Huddlespace & Wireless Presentation Solutions
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Huddlespace & Wireless Presentation Solutions
With the ever-growing need for meetings for colleagues to present information and participate in conference calls video and or audio ones the solution is usually called a huddle space. In fast paced tech companies meetings are instant and involve sharing data and content from many different apps and platforms.
We provide the best in class display technology so that these agile digital warriors can see clearly what is being presented and worked on. Collaboration is happening all the time and from coffee bars through to airport lounges and funky executive boardrooms there is no separation from the corporate systems that are now available to workers 24/7 365 days a year.
Coming from a live TV Broadcast background Finepoint AV engineers and sales people understand clients need prompt service and questions answered quickly so they can move on to the next project or task, we are skilled up to do this.
We provide fixed systems that integrate neatly into the modern workspace environment or solutions that are totally mobile to allow organisations to enable any space anytime that it is needed. Flexibility in our approach means clients can explore and innovate with us to provide their people with bespoke huddle spaces that work for their ways of working.
Often wireless presentation is a fantastic addition to any huddle space or meeting room. This allows anyone, whether inside the corporate network or visiting and outside the network to present securely and join in the collaborative sessions adding more value to meetings often brining decisions closer and resolving communication issues quicker.
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